
Eastern Suburbs Mums Exclusive Offer


We’re thrilled to offer Eastern Suburbs Mums users this exclusive offer for our tennis programs.

Centennial Parklands Sports Centre has just launched BLUE BALL – the program designed for children aged 3-5 who are beginning their tennis journey.

Blue Ball sessions are designed to ensure that your child receives the fine & gross motor skills work required for future tennis success. Lessons are focused on co-ordination and body control along with an introduction to the tennis racquet, tennis ball, and tennis concepts.

To celebrate its launch at Centennial Parklands Sports Centre, we’re offering Eastern Suburbs Mums users an exclusive offer of $200 for 10 weeks of lessons.

Lessons will be held on Tuesday & Thursday Mornings and commence Tuesday 18 July or Thursday 20 July.

Parents will also have the opportunity to access FREE tennis court hire while their child participates in the lesson.

Click the enquiry button below to book your child’s spot today!